New chargers save energy and keep fit
Nowadays, people with heavy workload often neglect their health because of their work. Biologic free charge will undoubtedly give us a chance to exercise on the way to and from work.
The launch of the biologic free charge pedal charger at the European Bicycle Show in Germany has become a hot topic on Twitter.
Freecharge chargers can be connected to any floral drum generator sold on the market, transfer part of the power generated by your pedal into high-capacity batteries, and then charge steady current into small devices such as ipods, mobile phones, gps.
The charger is encapsulated in a simple silicone enclosure, firmly attached to the bicycle, allowing you to pedal while charging the iPhone or ipod.
Whether charging a portable device with freecharge can be as fast as plugging in a 120-watt socket is unclear -- the time it takes to fill up may depend on how fast the pedal is pedaled. However, the iPhone usually takes three hours to fill up, so unless you ride a bicycle to the countryside, it may only be suitable for other smaller devices.
Biologicfreecharge is expected to be launched in March next year at a price of about $99.