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How to Build a Solar Controlled Battery Charger?

The sun provides an amazing source of energy, but the trick is converting sunlight into usable energy. It doesn't have to be a complicated process. Many products you use are powered by batteries. There is a simple way to hook up solar panels to battery chargers to provide free energy to run your favorite electronics.

1. Purchase a solar panel that closely matches the amps and voltage output that the cigarette-lighter adapter is rated for. You will find this information printed on the cigarette-lighter adapter.
2. Plug the cigarette-lighter adapter into the battery charger and put the rechargeable batteries you want to charge in the charger.
3. Connect one alligator clip from the first set to the exposed metal tip end of the cigarette-lighter adapter that inserts into the cigarette lighter. Connect a clip from the second set of alligator clips to the exposed metal on the side of the adapter.
4. Connect the opposite ends of the alligator clip sets to the positive/negative connections on the back of the solar panel.
5. Place the solar panel outside so it begins to collect energy. The batteries should now be charging battery.
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